Make Mobile Technology Work for You

Mobile technology has added a whole new dimension to your ability to do business effectively, but it also introduces the problem of distractions. Besides incoming phone calls, we also receive constant alerts for incoming SMS, email, and social media messages. Within this barrage of messages is important information you need to know, but the distraction […]

Why You Need to Automate Your Marketing

One of the most important topics for your real estate business is how to utilise the categories in your database for effective automated marketing. This entails targeted, scheduled marketing campaigns to buyers, potential sellers, market appraisals, past clients and key referrers. No matter what the market is doing, you always need to be marketing. Automating […]

Tactical Processes for Building Your Profile

In real estate, you need to build a great profile. To do this, you must recognize that your profile is measured by the size of your network, and your network determines your net worth as an agent. Your network is not just about numbers, though – it’s about the quality of the relationships you have […]