End of Financial Year Planning

The end of your financial year is a good time to re-evaluate your budget, think about your numbers and decide how to pursue growth in the next year. There are three areas where increasing your performance will make a tremendous difference in your profits. Those key initiatives are: Increasing your fees Increasing your average sale […]

What it takes – from hiring to working with an assistant

If you have not done so already, there will come a time in your career when you need to hire an assistant. This is an important step and you want to do it right. Hiring an assistant allows you to concentrate on your primary areas of expertise that move your business forward such as prospecting, […]

Great Business Turnarounds – Why Energy Matters

No matter how good you are at what you do, there will be times that your performance is off and things simply don’t work out as well as usual. The most important indicators of your business success are how well you handle these off times, and how quickly you can get back on track and […]

Scaling For High Capacity

The scalability of your business determines the capacity you can achieve. There are three basic ways you can increase capacity in your business: Fitness, Systems, and People. Your business fitness is a lot like your personal fitness. It is defined by your strength, activity, and speed of recovery. Business systems define the structure within which […]

Increasing The Value Of Your Database

Your contact network represents your net worth, but that value is lost if you cannot effectively use that information to build your business. Your database requires structure and organization to be useful. Establishing categories is the best way to manage the high volume of contacts you collect every week. Every contact you add to your […]