Getting clear on what you want

Click here to watch on YouTube. Making significant changes in your business often begins with improving your life in general. Most important is having the confidence that comes from knowing exactly what you want out of life. Once you can define that for yourself, everything else—including your business–can fall into place for you. There are […]

Past Clients – Out Of This World Customer Service

Click here to watch on YouTube. You may be missing an entire market segment that is sitting in your database right now. It’s a source of uncontested business that no one else is working—but you are about to do just that. What are you missing? It’s your list of past clients. You actually have two […]

The List – Ultimate Productivity

Click here to watch on YouTube There are some surprisingly simple systems you can use to get yourself back on track and working at your ultimate level of productivity. First, increasing your daily bookings is as basic as starting each call session with a list of your top 5 potential sellers. It’s those face-to-face appointments […]

Ultimate Productivity – Reduce The Breadth Of What You Do

Click here to watch on YouTube. Productivity is about more than just staying busy. You need to see tangible results from your efforts before you can say you are truly being productive. The best agents have established habits and procedures to make sure they are focused on doing the work that will net them the […]

Overcoming fear, procrastination and distraction

Click here to watch on YouTube. Some of the greatest enemies to your productivity are fear, procrastination, and distractions. There are more disruptions in your life than you realize, and they limit the amount of work you are able to get done. You can put yourself in control of all that, though, and the first […]