Building Momentum By Tracking Behaviour

If you really want to get going on your business growth, a great way to do that is to commit yourself to a 30 day challenge. In this Coaching Tip I’m going to talk about tracking your behaviour for a month. It’s all about learning what you actually do to get results. There are specific […]

Opportunity Within Your Business

Opportunity is as close as your database, but you have to go after it. My Coaching Tip today is about using what you already have, and improving on what you already do, to create more opportunities inside of your business. Your database should contain everyone you know and have ever met, categorised and accessible. How […]

Market Appraisal vs Listing Presentation

A market appraisal is not a listing presentation, and if you make the mistake of treating it as such you will drive customers away. However, done properly the market appraisal leads directly into a listing and sale. Often the first step to building a lasting relationship with a client is a market appraisal on their […]