Have We Lost the Ability to Run a Great Campaign?

With all the changes we’re seeing in communication, lifestyles and pricing, have we lost the ability to run a great campaign? That’s what I’ll be discussing in today’s Coaching Tip, and I’ll give you some ideas to up your campaign game. A high quality campaign relates to the specific needs of the customer, and it’s […]

Trigger Points of a Healthy Database

A great database becomes great by choice, and that means progressing people through those categories to each new stage next stage. In my Coaching Tip today I’ll show you how to understand trigger points of a healthy database to make those changes that are so important for successful prospecting. We use a system called RFM […]

Can You See Your Opportunities?

A full service firm capitalises on every favourable option, but can you see your opportunities? Today in my Coaching Tip I’ll show you some of those immediate opportunities you’re missing. One of the most overlooked campaign prospects is landlords. Usually agents only look at the investment properties landlords own, but what about their principal place […]

Ep 68 — Building Your Market Profile

In this High Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about building your market profile, establishing differentiation and branding yourself. Discussion begins with Alexander on presentation through quality marketing, and Josh continues with knowing and addressing the basic factors that drive consumers. Alexander continues with positioning, longevity, and understanding market […]

Modernising Your Marketing

The shift from newspaper to digital is changing the way we do marketing. Today my Coaching Tip is about modernising your marketing using social media communities like Facebook to expand your audience. There are two Facebook tools you want to be using called Facebook Pixel and Facebook Custom Audiences. Facebook Pixel is a piece of […]