The Real Estate Rollercoasters

Do you like riding the real estate rollercoasters? Going up and down with listings and sales each and every month is a pretty awful position to be in. So today my Coaching Tip is about watching early indicators and getting clarity of intention so you know what approaching success needs to look like for your […]

Focusing on the last 50 Listings

You want to make sure you’re putting your time, effort and energy into lead sources that will actually get listings. In my Coaching Tip today I’m going to tell you why your last 50 listings tell you more about your business than anything else. Look at your lead sources for your last 50 listings. A […]

Auction Success

If you’re worried about what’s going to happen on auction day then you’re already in trouble. My Coaching Tip today is about how to set up for auction success with your sellers and buyers. Everything you do from the moment you list a property determines what will happen on the day it’s selling. The first […]

The Missing Millions

Once you understand the size of your missed opportunity, the pain of change will be worth the results. In my Coaching Tip today I’ll show you the missing millions you’re not seeing right in front of you, and you’ll discover more leads than you know you have. If you’ve got properties under management then you […]

The #1 Thing is Consistency

There are cycles in the marketplace around seasons and holidays, and the great real estate agents know to stay ahead of those cycles. In my Coaching Tip today I’ll tell you why the number one thing is consistency, and why all the great agents rely on a marketing calendar. As real estate agents we’ve always […]

The Greatest Challenge in Your Business

You know, I see established businesses that have been around for years playing the game as though it’s their first year in the industry. In my Coaching Tip today I’ll show you that the greatest challenge in your business is realizing where your opportunities are sitting and how they can play for you. And it’s […]