Choosing your Market

The real estate industry seems a little bipolar around the issue of market territories and organizational politics. In this Coaching Tip I’ll tell you about choosing your market, supporting all of your agents, and serving your customer so you can scale enough to fulfill your dreams and aspirations. There are actually two markets you need […]

Fear of Price Reductions

Pricing a property is critically important to get the momentum you need to sell it. In my Coaching Tip today we’ll face your fear of price reductions by understanding why they happen, and I’ll show you how to make the pricing work for your market dynamics. Price reductions happen. Whether it’s changing market conditions, or […]

Great Business Turnarounds

What is the one thing that will turn your business on its head in under 30 days? In my Coaching Tip today I’m talking about great business turnarounds, and I’m going to tell you how to make that recovery happen inside of your business. You know how it happens. Things are going really well, then […]