Career Progression

When you hire a new assistant, that person probably doesn’t intend to be your assistant forever. If you don’t have a career progression path inside of your company then you have no real plan for growth and you will lose your best people as they become ready to move upward. This month’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip is about growing your business by growing your people because I want you to understand how critical career progression is to you as well as your team members.

If your vision is too small then your agency has nothing to offer new prospects and talented agents. You have an obligation to yourself and to your team to dream big towards a successful future for your brand.

You must have an organizational chart with defined career paths that you can share with your people, and encourage them to always be thinking about where they might want to go in your company. A major part of your role is to sit down with new sales reps regularly to discuss their options so they know the steps they must take to become a senior agent, or even an owner or co-director. Helping them set goals and work towards them whilst improving their skills and results makes them an asset to your company because their results are your results.

Set specific goals and measurements for listing presentation skills, numbers of transactions, and fee amounts that indicate when someone can become a junior agent, then a senior agent. Help them get their real estate license, perfect their prospecting skills, and learn to do listing and clearance. Share your books and training materials with them, including the resources you access through your Josh Phegan Company Membership. Guide their experience and exposure, help them build social proof, and teach them the core values your company is based upon. From this foundation they can aspire to become a senior manager, a director and eventually an owner.

From the moment they are hired your new prospects need to know what is expected of them as well as the opportunities for coaching and personal development you are willing to offer them if they demonstrate their worth to you, but it’s a waste of your time and theirs if they’re not more committed to their own growth and success than you are. A quarterly review process is necessary to keep your team members accountable, and to evaluate whether they are shaping up to be the kind of people you want to continue to invest in.

As you progress in your business, make sure you look into our Josh Phegan Company membership as well as our Master Class Program, Prospecting School, and our incredible Blueprint Event, all coming up soon.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

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