
Everything works according to design, so if you’re not getting the business capacity you need it’s because you haven’t built the structure for it. My Coaching Tip today will show you how to design a better business for recovery, efficiency and scalability.

There are three things you must have for rapid growth:
• Fitness
• Systems
• People

Just as your level of fitness in the gym determines your speed of recovery, your business fitness shapes your capacity for listings and sales. The best agents recover quickly from failure and keep going to the next opportunity without pause. It’s not that they never fall short; they do. They simply don’t let the shortfalls stall their momentum. If you falter every time you lose a listing, then you miss out on the next opportunity. Procrastination is a real killer – you’re not going to progress if you don’t make the decision to pick yourself up, get back on track and start running again.

Having a tight system in place helps you recover quickly and stay on track. Automating as many processes as possible reduces time spent inputting data and maintaining the system. Entering data just once is key – your system should then take that data and send it where it needs to go. New client information gathered from open for inspections and online inquiries can be automatically channelled into categories, email listings, reports, call lists and alerts if you design your system efficiently. And your people are a vital component of your system.

In order to do the work that’s most important, you must have capable, trainable people in place to ensure everything gets done without your having to put your valuable time into housekeeping. For manual data entry as well as providing you with lists and reports you require for prospecting, you need assistants. Making sure your system is structured properly assures that their work can be done quickly and accurately. The less time they have to spend performing their tasks, the more work they can accomplish for you. Your system design coupled with your choices in hiring will determine how productive your agency can be.

Look at your business and evaluate your fitness, your systems and your people. Where do you see blockages? Where are there gaps? What can you automate? What tasks and processes can be handled more efficiently? How can you recover more quickly? Knowing what to look for will help you address these problems and increase your capacity.

Make sure you look into our Josh Phegan Company membership, Master Class Program, Prospecting School, and our incredible Blueprint Event, all coming up soon.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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  1. Terrific tip. Will will apply some of it this week. Thank you for taking the time to create the video.

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