Can You See Your Opportunities?

A full service firm capitalises on every favourable option, but can you see your opportunities? Today in my Coaching Tip I’ll show you some of those immediate opportunities you’re missing.

One of the most overlooked campaign prospects is landlords. Usually agents only look at the investment properties landlords own, but what about their principal place of residence? The opportunity here is to call them up and offer them an appraisal on their own home. If their not looking to sell, they might still use the equity in their personal residence to purchase more investment properties.

Bear in mind that anyone who owns more than one property is a wealthy individual. Why would you hesitate to call that person and establish a relationship? This is an opportunity for you to become a trusted advisor to someone who is fed up with opportunists, and might want reliable advice on maintaining or increasing the value of their home and other properties. A big part of your role as an agent is to offer an informed opinion on the market valuation of properties and help your clients make better investment decisions.

One other big opportunity most agents miss is anniversaries. When was the last time you followed up on a past client? Even my grandpa knew back in 1972 to keep records of every transaction and call up those clients on the anniversary of that sale or purchase. He used exercise books, you have a database. Use that resource.

If you can see your opportunities you can expand your possibilities under any market conditions. The point is to have a system that works and follow it consistently. Call those landlords and follow up with past clients. Build a full service firm and be that agent that delivers.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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