Buyers & Buyer Hitlist

If you want to really turn your business around, it’s important to identify buyers who have the highest level of urgency. In this week’s Coaching Tip I’m going to give you crucial information about buyers and the buyer hit list.

In the course of your real estate career you’re going to meet a lot of buyers. They’ll contact you by phone, by SMS, by social media, or through the major real estate websites. Some will walk through your agency door. If you run three to five open for inspections on a Saturday, you could meet 20 to 100 or more people in a weekend.

Some of those potential buyers are more important than others. How can you identify them? They’re the ones making the next steps in the purchasing cycle. They’re making an offer, or meeting a second appointment, or the last to leave the open. They’re the ones who return your calls.

Out of all the people you meet in each campaign, there are 3 to 5 who are actively looking for the right home to purchase and are ready to develop a trust relationship with you. These are the people you put on your buyer hit list. I recommend that you hold a buyer pipeline review meeting every week to pinpoint the customers who need to buy right now.

The buyer who pays the highest price is the person with the greatest urgency. These are people who just sold a property, are relocating for a job, or want to buy the property next door to develop their existing property. Once you identify these people, then you do your very best work with them.

So the key to doing great buyer work is understanding buyers and the buyer hit list, focusing on the customers who are in an urgent situation that will motivate them to take action, and helping them find the right property for their needs.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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