Building Your Profile

Who are you? What do you do? How do you help the customer? The answers to these three questions are the foundation to building your profile. You have to make it clear to consumers why they should choose you as their agent.

There’s no better profile builder than getting signs up with sold stickers, getting listings online, and getting those properties sold. Consumers want agents who are successful in the marketplace. No amount of deals in their letterboxes is going to make that difference in the way your profile is seen. Think about what you must do to put yourself where the customer is before they need you.

To build profile inside of a particular marketplace you can use geotargeting to display your ads and video content specifically to people where they spend their personal time – through their social media. Not only can you email ads and video content to your client base, you can also SMS it, post it to YouTube, and become visible wherever they are online. Get the message right and really connect with your consumer.

Building your profile is about positioning your brand based on who you are, what you do, and how you’re going to work with the customer. You want to make yourself clearly visible and memorable in the marketplace so that people understand what it is that you do. To do this you need to be in all the positions where consumers will be looking for agents. That means getting visible on Google and YouTube by getting a Google Review and producing great video content that clearly shows consumers why they should choose you, from their point of view.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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  1. Thanks for sharing Josh! We are working on building our presence through video , google and social media at the moment. It’s new for us but we hear your messsge and are definitely going to be implementing some of your ideas ?

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