Building Momentum By Tracking Behaviour

If you really want to get going on your business growth, a great way to do that is to commit yourself to a 30 day challenge. In this Coaching Tip I’m going to talk about tracking your behaviour for a month. It’s all about learning what you actually do to get results.

There are specific activities you must be consistent with to progress your career. These are the basics:
• Build your database
• Get face to face with clients

The primary behaviours necessary to perform those activities are calls, connects, and appointments. You have to make a lot of calls in order to speak directly with a few people because over 50% of your calls will connect you with voicemail. You have to connect with people before you can get appointments with them. Only a few of those direct connects will result in an appointment, and appointments are vital in getting your listings and sales. Keep a record of all your calls, how many connected you to a person, and how many result in an appointment.

You can see how important it is for you to be on the phone every morning before other daily tasks distract you. It really is the most important thing you do each day because you don’t get those appointments unless you make enough calls to book appointments, and you want to try to secure 3 each day.

There are 3 kinds of appointments you can make, and you want to track on how many of each you book:
• Bar appointments
• Market appraisal appointments
• Listing appointments

The bar appointment is good for finding out what a client might want to buy or have to sell, and for maintaining that relationship so they will come to you when they are ready to move.

Market appraisal appointments put you on the client’s property where you can evaluate its worth. It also allows you to decide how to progress them by determining where they are on the traffic light –
• Red — they’re not going to sell
• Orange – they might be willing to consider selling
• Green — they’re ready to get to it

The listing appointment is the most crucial of the three as this is where you sell yourself. It’s a delicate balance between making a solid case for them to hire you, or driving them off by pushing too hard. The secret is in making your proposal all about their needs and desires.

At the end of your 30 day challenge you can look at your numbers and categories, see how many listings you made, and learn where you achieved progress or met with resistance. Make sure your focus in tracking is for effort, not reward. Looking at sales and income is gratifying, but it won’t teach you anything about your effectiveness. Look at the numbers of appointments and new listings you won. It’s putting forth the effort that brings those rewards.

Now do this again the next month and you will be on your way to seeing some real growth happen in your business.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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  1. Hi Josh I’ve just come back from being on holiday . I’m going to track myself for the next 30 days . Do you have a template you can share with me to make tracking easy . Kind regards Brenda

    1. Hi Brenda, One of my team will be in touch and send you a sample monthly target sheet.

    1. Yes it is, should be on page 18, Module 1 – Goal Setting

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