Booking Appointments

Your number one job as an agent is to book buyer appointments, market appraisals and listing appointments. My Coaching Tip this week is all about booking appointments, because the more of those you can do, the better off you’ll be.

One of your challenges is around buyers and sellers who want to wait for the market to change before they commit. What you want to do is work with people who are ready to do the deal and are prepared to do what it takes.

You’ll need some new techniques and fresh, simple dialogue to drive your appointment numbers. I’ll give you dialogue that works to get past those apathetic clients and qualify the ones who are actually motivated.

The key is to get people to come back after an open to see the property again. If they’re willing to meet you at the property on a Monday or Tuesday night after the weekend open for inspection, then they’re likely to actually do something.

So your focus must be on booking appointments every single day and getting in front of customers. If you’ve got a buyer who actually wants to buy, don’t wait for auction day or the next open for inspection. Close out the deal and make the sale.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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