Big finish with the big 3

It’s time for a big finish as we close out 2022. In my Coaching Tip today, I’ll introduce you to the big 3 areas you’ll want to concentrate on and the people you need to call because you know they’ll be doing transactions.

You’ll need to find the datasets for the people who want to sell, and I’ll tell you why you want to call your buyers from 2019. I’ll even give you great dialogue to help you create your best opportunities when you make those calls.

We’ll talk about why it’s important that you call every market appraisal you’ve ever done from the beginning of your career. Things are rapidly changing in this environment, and I’ll show you how many sales, listings and new market appraisals you can generate.

The 3rd area to look at is expired listings. I’ll give you dialogue to get you on the phone and working with those people. You can have a big finish with the big 3 when you change the energy, get momentum, and book those appointments before the end of the year.

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