Being Present

It’s critically important in building a great business to stay focused on the critical work you need to do. My Coaching Tip today is about being present. I’ll tell you how to remove distractions and stop procrastinating so you can make every minute of your workday count.

Being present means being in the moment, but that’s become hard to do with social media and phone notifications taking your attention away from the work at hand. The best agents have rid themselves of all their distractions and procrastination, and have learned to focus in short, sharp sessions that’s make a massive difference to the way they work.

One of the first things you can do is turn off all the notifications on your phone. The only notifications you should keep are your SMS and calendar prompts so that you get on the phone, do the calls and get in front of clients. It’s all about taking those actions that will substantially build your business.

Procrastination and distraction happen when you’re not confident about the work you’re doing and don’t have clarity on your goals.

Every minute you spend that’s not with an A grade customer is a minute you don’t get to spend doing other things in life that you want to do. Get rid of the things that aren’t helping you get where you want to go, and focus on things that get the results that pay.

One of the best ways to improve your focus is to work inside of 45-minute sessions. Use the timer you get with your Josh Phegan Membership. Then you can easily measure the number of calls, the number of connections, and also the number of appointments that you’re booking. You can also clear all of your email, get your filing done, or any other task in short sessions. Being present is key to doing one task at a time and doing it well the first time.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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