Being Consistent and Persistent

Marketing only when your business takes a downturn is too little, too late. In my Coaching Tip today I want to talk to you about being consistent and persistent with your marketing, and tell you how to set up systems that allow you to do this easily.

Your marketing should never be an indicator of how well or poorly your business is doing. Consistency will ensure that you are always visible and relevant to customers whenever they come into your marketplace. What it takes is a decision to set a marketing plan and follow it on schedule, all the time.

You may have concerns about spending funds for marketing, but how much are you willing to invest in building a million dollar business? Start thinking about content, not cost, and how you want to deliver your message to your customers.

You could do a short video each week, a quarterly direct mail update to past clients, and regular email market updates to targeted categories in your database. The key to streamlining the process is building templates. Not only do templates make the process faster, they also maintain your branding and ensure you’ll be persistent in sending out your marketing on schedule.

Relevant content is necessary to maintain customer interest. Some topics to include are current volume of properties in comparison to this time last year, how many people are coming to open homes, how many bidders are registered for auctions, and noteworthy news such as changes in legislation or real estate industry trends. Keep the conversation interesting and fresh, and people will read your messages.

Every person in your marketplace has a brief moment in time when they will be looking to buy or sell a property. Your goal is to make sure you’re being consistent and persistent in your marketing so that person will see you and contact you when they’re ready to choose an agent.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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  1. Thanks for today’s coaching Josh, it will certainly help me stay consistent with my marketing.

    1. Hi Josh,
      Thank you for your wonderful work. I listen and read it daily.
      Please can you give me some names for the templates as well as some names to help me with the videos.
      North shore and Eastern suburban people will be great.
      I am watching Mary Ann Cronins and Anne Ramsey Arkins marketing as well.
      Please can you suggest these guys

    2. Hi Hilary,

      Good question, I recommend using Identity Marketing as they work exclusively with real estate agents.

      You can find them here:

      Let me know if I can help further.

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