Becoming the Trusted Advisor

To be your client’s trusted advisor, you have to perform like one. That means advising them: lead them through the buying/selling process and help them make the best decisions about their property. In some cases you need to make those decisions for them. That is, after all, what they’re paying you to do.

Too many agents hesitate to make necessary recommendations to progress clients, and the result is lost sales. Worse, the agent loses credibility. You want to be the real estate professional your client expects you to be. Tell them what they need to do, and execute with confidence and professionalism.

Now, you’re human and you will have days that you don’t feel the enthusiasm you should about a listing or a client. You can’t let your client down by acting on your feelings; their experience with you has to be stellar throughout the process, so be resilient, keep it real, and stay positive.

Maintaining communication is vital, so make sure you are consistently touching base with your active clients. Call them every day with information they can use to understand where they are in the process and what the market is like so they can make better decisions and feel more confident about moving forward with you. Temper good news with the realities of the market. If there’s bad news, give it to them straight, but also offer solutions and direction to keep them on track and progressing.

Beyond staying upbeat with your clients you also have to project vitality in your presentation of the property and your dealings with everyone you work with around it. Stay active and competitive, use your phone and your contacts to generate prospects, and maintain momentum to get the property seen and sold.

Being decisive and confident are key not only to progressing your clients, but also to clearing your stock and preventing properties from sitting dormant. Offer solid recommendations, make necessary decisions, call your vendors every day, and be the trusted advisor and professional agent your clients need you to be.

Make sure you look into our Josh Phegan Company membership, Master Class Program, Prospecting School all coming up soon.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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