Becoming A Great Marketer

To be a great real estate agent you also have to be a great marketer. In this Coaching Tip I’m giving you some basic techniques and concepts you can use to achieve real marketing savvy. The key to great marketing is to know your client’s objections from the start, address their fears and counter them with a solution.

One of the keys to turning things around in your business is the ability to change adversity into opportunity. In a challenging marketplace where you have an abundance of buyers, but a shortage of stock to sell to them, potential sellers aren’t seeing anything they want to buy, so they are hesitant to sell – which perpetuates the shortage. It may look like a lost cause, but you can make it work for you by working with it rather than against it.

Use customers’ discomfort as a marketing device by addressing their fears head on. Show them that you are aware the situation exists, but you can fix it if they are willing to work with you. It’s a bold move to state in your advertising that there is a problem. But you will demonstrate your confidence and expertise by putting it out there, validating their concerns, and then showing them how you can take them where they want to go. You place yourself as a trusted advisor by confronting the issue and turning it around for them.

Learn how to anticipate the needs of the customer and of the market, and you will be on top of the game. You can’t connect with people through your needs as an agent; they don’t care. If you want their business then you have to be all about their desires, their concerns, and their expectations.

Think about creating targeted one-off marketing campaigns that are direct, personal, and specific to current conditions in the marketplace. A big factor in marketing is staying ahead of the curve and on top of trends, and using that insight in your approach. Marketing is not something you work out once and use over and over; you have to keep it fresh, relevant and compelling. People will quickly begin to ignore you if your content is the same all the time.

Marketing is essential to your business, and you will never be a great agent if you can’t generate interest, rapport and trust in your communications with them. Commit to becoming an effective marketer as well as a top-tier agent and you will grow your business.

Make sure you look into our Josh Phegan Company membership, Master Class Program, Prospecting School, and our incredible Blueprint Event, all coming up soon.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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  1. What a great piece of marketing advice. Really appreciate you sharing this fresh approach. Thanks!

  2. My greatest challenge over recent months has been getting listings!
    This is great.

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