Becoming a Great Lister

When it comes to becoming a great lister there’s no better formula than to simply care about your customers. In my Coaching Tip today I’ll tell you how to get the information you need by asking the right questions and mastering the art of really listening.

There’s a short list of essential topics you need to cover off on. The best way to get all that information is to follow a sequence of questioning that leads to your desired outcome. Those essentials are:

• What is the client’s situation?
• What are they looking for in an agent?
• What is their preferred method of sale?
• What is their preferred approach to marketing?
• What are their pricing expectations?

Cover each topic in detail to make certain they are making fully informed decisions. Take notes. Once you have that information, summarise it and read it all back to the customer to make sure they’re in agreement with what’s been discussed. Also do a trial close for each point before moving to the next one. This maintains a smooth flow and allows you to really connect with your customer.

Never underestimate the effectiveness of visuals. Nothing communicates quite so completely or engages as deeply as attractive, informative images, videos, charts, brochures and other visual material. Because visuals are so powerful, make sure your support materials are relevant to the property you’re discussing. Beyond that, keep your terminology consistent, present in an orderly manner, and keep your presentation cohesive so everything fits together and makes sense.

Becoming a great lister requires a real interest in other people. If you sincerely care about your customer they will sense that energy and respond to you. You’ll be a winning agent if you make the effort to understand what your clients need and help them get to their best possible outcome.

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