Backing Yourself In

It’s better to live a life of discipline than a life of regret. In my Coaching Tip today I’m talking about backing yourself in, standing up for yourself, and having the courage to make those crucial decisions.

Part of being a great agent is the ability to listen and be consultative with your clients. But there comes a time to be firm where it counts. You need to have a plan for how you intend to get that property sold and be able to validate that plan. You must have an informed answer to whether or not your client should accept an offer. And no matter what happens in the marketplace, you need to know what to do next in every situation. This is how you become the trusted advisor.

You’re also setting an example for your junior associates, assistants and agents, and helping to progress their careers. You must stay current with the marketplace and maintain clarity with your team about how to negotiate, how to prospect, and what you’re doing to become a better agency. Operating with clarity not only makes you a more attractive agent, it also makes it easier for you to make the decisions that determine where you’re going and whether you will succeed in getting there.

First you need to know what success looks like to you. Determine where you’re at now and what you must do to develop the strength, courage and confidence you require to achieve that success. Getting clear about what you want to do and purposeful in your actions you’ll gain that confidence you seek.

Time is a limited resource. Use it wisely by backing yourself in, going for broke and becoming the agent you’re capable of being.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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1 Comment

  1. Great video and words Josh. For me it’s utilising the case studies and knowing the land to back up its worth for both the vendor and purchaser and keeping it real. Need to be firmer and I like the fact that we don’t have to be firm all the time and have empathy. Thanks catherine

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