Backing Yourself

You know that amazing feeling when you’re dialled in and everything is hitting just right. You can actually generate that feeling for yourself, but you have to be willing to fail a bit first – and you have to know what you really want to accomplish. Today I’m going to tell you about backing yourself by using what I call the beginner mind to boost your business skills.

When you are setting out to do something for the first time, you look at it and think it’s easy enough and you can do it right off. But then you give it a try and you fail. What do you do next?

A lot of people focus on the failure, decide they can’t do this thing, and never try again. But a failure is actually a challenge, and you can choose to try again. Understand that it’s not confidence that motivates you. Confidence is gained through success. It’s the courage to work through your failures that will get you there. Learn from your attempts, learn from others who have the skills and knowledge you want, and keep working at it until you can meet that challenge. Then look for opportunities to use your new skills and get even better.

You can use this beginner mind in your business once you really decide that you want to be a great agent and commit to that decision. Probably the most important challenge you should take on is learning to list successfully, because listing is the source of all other opportunities.

Also learn to recognize how emotion can hold you back. How often do you fail to follow through on something because you don’t feel like it? The best way to combat that is to commit to a routine. Start your day early because the earlier you see results, the more you will want to do. Booking appointments can be like a game in which you want to perform well and win. Also involve other people so that you have to maintain accountability, plus a little competition helps as well.

If you want to be a high performance agent then accept the challenge and commit to it. There’s a lot of work and a lot of failure along the way, but if you are serious you will make it. Get effective coaching, have successful mentors, and keep your courage up. That’s how the best agents got where they are, and it’s what will get you there as well.

Make sure you look into our Josh Phegan Company membership, Master Class Program, Prospecting School, and our incredible Blueprint Event, all coming up soon.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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