All About Systems

The key to providing a consistent brand experience is all about systems. In today’s Coaching Tip I’ll explain the simple systems you need to identify, put in place, and teach your team so everything gets done properly.

A system is a way of doing things that produce consistent results and minimises your margin of error. With good systems in place, everyone always knows what they’re doing in the way they work. There are 4 simple systems you should be using: checklist, form, dialogue, and visual aid.

There are 2 versions of a checklist: Read and review is a general list of things to have in place before performing a task. Read and do is an ordered list of steps you actively take to accomplish that task. The order of steps can be critical so be clear about the sequence.

Some people confuse the form with the checklist, but the form is a capture tool to record important information you need, such as customer information during a market appraisal. You should use a form during your prospecting calls, and it’s helpful if there are prompts on the form to help choose the right dialogue.

Great dialogue determines whether you get the commitment, book the appointment, and generally get the customer to agree to whatever you’re proposing. Visual aids help support your dialogue and clarify your message. Visuals can include headings, brochures and case studies to make your presentation even more influential.

Thinking about what you can do to make a better form, a better checklist, a better dialogue, or a better visual aid is all about systems. Putting those systems in place and using them every day will make it easier for your customers to decide in your favour, and ultimately lead to better fees.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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