All about Planning

If you want to do real estate for the next 20 or 30 years, then the way you work needs to be sustainable. In this Coaching Tip I’ll explain the importance of planning in everything you do, both on and off the field.

To be a great agent you really need rest and recovery, especially with more daylight, better weather and more late-night appointments coming up. Great for business, but without the right rhythms and routines in place you’re going to get tired and exhausted. Think about things that renew your energy and schedule time to do them regularly.

Renewal can also be about reviewing your achievements and getting purposeful around the work you do. Measuring your performance is important, but it’s not about the hours you put in, it’s about the output you achieve. My team is measured on what they bring to the table culturally, and the outcomes they achieve inside of their roles.

Achievement depends on planning, so it’s critical that you get good at it. First thing is to make sure you have holidays spread equally throughout the year so that every 4 to 6 weeks you’ve got something to look forward to. This helps you maintain perspective and stay in control of what matters to you.

To keep your way of working sustainably you may need to make some changes. Putting on an assistant will help assure that you can take time off and still get listings. Or you may be able to team up with a senior agent in your office before you leave so you can still earn some fees. You’ll also want to over-prospect and over-list by planning ahead for next year. And it helps to know when your peak seasons are so you can schedule your holidays around them. The better you get at planning, the more your business will grow.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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