Your Model As an Agent

Do you like being able to take holidays? Then you’d better design your life first and build your business around it. In my Coaching Tip today I’ll help you get clear about your model as an agent, which means focusing on the things that will make you truly great.

If you do expect to take those holidays, then you have to build a competent team. Because your job is to stay out in front listing and selling, you’ve got to have someone in the background that handles the email inquiries, the administration, the marketing, and any computer-based work so that you can stay focused on being in front of consumers.

The other part is, with a team there’s somebody else who can follow up on listings, do buyer and market appointments, and basically handle your business while you’re gone. It’s not just about having a junior agent that can do buyer work. It’s about having someone on the inside of your team that can level up and get inside of your listing presentations.

This is also how you build succession and growth into your business because the only reason someone leaves a team is that the leader doesn’t have a big enough vision. You have to have a vision that not only persuades clients to use you as an agent but also influences your best talent to sit tight inside of your team because they’re making great money.

Get good at selling your model as an agent and promoting the reasons why people should be working as part of your team. If you’re already doing lots of listings and sales then there’s going to be plenty of leads for your team members to work with and build their own success.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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