Activities or Outcomes

As a business leader you must be clear about the strategy and the scoreboard inside of your business. In this month’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’m talking about activities and outcomes that everyone inside of your organisation must be clear on.

You may have everything mapped inside of your head, but your people can’t know how to execute unless you communicate that map to them, so we’re going to look at the key numbers you’ll be going after.

I’ll explain how to measure the effectiveness of the activities you’re doing by three specific outcomes. The most important conversation is around which activities will get you more buyer appointments, marketplaces, and listing appointments per salesperson. This then gives you your listing, sales and income production numbers.

The goal is for your people to list more than they sell on a weekly and monthly basis. The real question here is, are the people inside of your business focused on activities or outcomes? Your job is to make sure they’re clear on what their primary measurements should be.

When you look at your dashboard you’ll know how to adjust, but you’ve got to have that dashboard first. Get clear on the numbers that are important, be specific around what you measure and the frequency of those measurements, and you will keep your team on track.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s Growth, Leadership, and Management Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

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