Recruiting to the Vision

The necessity to hire the right talent is a given, but you can’t expect them to come in knowing what to do. In today’s Growth, Leadership, and Management Tip I’ll be talking to you about recruiting to the vision for your business beginning with proper onboarding.

The induction process for a new hire is your opportunity to set them up for excellence. You want to make certain they understand your expectations and they’re clear on your vision for the business. You need an onboarding system in place that covers everything they need to know quickly and thoroughly.

Think about the experience you want your new hire to have when they enter their new workplace. They should feel they’re in an organized, productive environment. Everything they need to do their job must be in place, functional and ready to go. If you don’t take them seriously from day one, they’re never going to take you or your business seriously going forward. Make sure you set the stage for high performance with a solid induction system.

Induction begins in my company with a negotiable Letter of Offer within an hour of confirmation that a new prospect wants to work for us. Once the offer is finalised we give the inductee an email address and access to our calendar, send a welcome video, assign them books to read and supply them with a new laptop.

The new hire spends the first day with me learning about our top clients, systems and processes, and the vision the company is based on. Next we bring them through a workday to experience everything we do. All of this happens immediately. The result is a new team member who feels involved and committed from the start.

If you don’t have one already, you need to create a comprehensive induction checklist to make sure you are covering all the vital information your new hire must know coming in. Onboarding new talent by recruiting to the vision for your business ensures an outstanding team, and they will in turn recruit more talent for you at their same high level of performance.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

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