Setting Up For A Great 2016

This is an exciting time of year with many distractions, but if you take care of some key things in your business right now you will be able to really relax and enjoy the holiday season. So before we all lose ourselves in the upcoming festivities I want to talk with you about establishing ongoing momentum before you head into 2016.

Everyone who sold properties with you in October and November will be looking to buy properties from now into the first of the year, so stay active with those clients. You also have owners who plan to sell after the holidays, so make sure you are preparing them to go to market by February at the latest, and not wait for March when there will be far more competition.

It’s a good idea to persuade vendors to allow for marketing photography to be done whilst their lawns are still green and their homes are not yet decorated for Christmas, and also to get legal paperwork done if at all possible. This early preparation allows you to book appointments with buyers and start showing the home immediately. This will additionally give your vendors more confidence in your ability to successfully take their property to market.

Discuss the marketplace with your clients so they’re clear on what to expect after Christmas as real estate website search activity begins right away on New Years Day. Economically this is an opportune time for people who have left Australia to start moving back, so be watching for that influx of ex-pat buyers.

Decide now on your goals for coming back into the marketplace in 2016. Know the numbers you want to achieve, primarily for listings. If you already have existing campaigns sold and your target listings done then you can go on holiday early, so build on that incentive to motivate yourself. These are the rewards you earn through building a dynamic business.

Here’s wishing you a fine holiday season from the Josh Phegan Company. I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again in 2016.

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