Marketing Shortcuts

Your marketing is only as good as your understanding of your customers. You will never capture their interest if you don’t know who they are and what they need you to tell them. In my Coaching Tip today I will show you some marketing shortcuts for delivering the right message at the right time, year after year.

One of the best ways to get to know your customers is to become one of them. You can do this by entering yourself into each of your database categories as a customer. This allows you to receive all the same marketing information they get from you and evaluate its effectiveness by viewing it as they would, and that will help you see how to design better marketing templates.

Creating templates for each customer category helps you deliver timely information throughout the year and produce it quickly. Each category needs to get messages relevant to those specific customer needs, and only the information they can use. Templates also keep the look and feel of your marketing consistent so that your content visually identifies your brand. Everything from video to photography to email needs to be cohesive and standardised.

The purpose of your marketing campaigns is to inform each customer about current market trends, instil a sense of urgency, and influence them to act on the information you offer them. Statistics are secondary to telling a story that resonates with the viewer, and you tell that story with captivating headlines, bright copy and content, and a powerful closing hook to kick them into action. You also want to acknowledge their objections and solve their problems as part of your marketing strategy. Show them you feel their pain and they will respond with confidence and trust.

Each template you create for every delivery method you use needs to go into a monthly file for the year. Then each following year you can bring up those templates for each month, quickly update the information and send it out instead of building everything from the ground up. Put a new face on the same theme and you will hit your target every time.

Consistent templates maintain consistent marketing and momentum for your business, and that will make you a better, more successful agent.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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