Everything Recruitment

Looking to hire freak talent may seem like a good idea, but you are probably missing out on even better hires by failing to look for all-around great people. In my Growth, Leadership, and Management tip today I’m going to tell you how to recruit for the best people, and my approach to hiring may surprise you.

Most agents function in the mindset of hiring for a current position, but you should be looking for great recruits all the time. Your people really define your business, so you want to bring in fresh talent regularly to expand and enhance your company culture, not just to fill a vacancy.

It’s a natural move to look for new hires within the real estate industry, but what you may not realise is that the core qualities you are seeking exist in other related industries as well. What you should be looking for are people who know how to work the way you want them to – flexible, motivated people you can train to perform the specific tasks you need them to do. If your systems are solid then quality people can quickly learn to use them.

For example, some of my best new hires are coming in from the publishing industry because the skills and qualities they have gained there are perfect for real estate. They know how to work with people, they understand the importance of deadlines, and they are highly adaptable.

I am finding LinkedIn to be a powerful tool for recruitment. Make sure you are familiar with that resource and are adding all the people in related industries to your LinkedIn network. Also, just as you do with past clients, look for new talent from people you already know.

You need an effective recruitment process in place. Read Tom Rath’s book, Strengths Finder 2.0 for guidance in determining the top strengths you need your people to have. For the Josh Phegan Company we look for Learner Profile people because they will eagerly read a recommended book, watch a video, or attend a seminar, then share their new capabilities inside of your company. To improve your recruitment savvy also read Topgrading by Brad Smart. In this book you will learn step by step how to conduct your interviewing process to select better hires.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

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1 Comment

  1. Great opening quote JP. A company DOES become the people that it hires. Have borrowed & reposted your video for my linkedin article for today.. SB

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