Building Self-Confidence

Contrary to what you may believe, self-confidence is not something that some people “just have” and others don’t. You can build tremendous confidence in yourself, but you have to commit to do whatever is necessary and follow through.

In order to be a great agent you have to feel like a great agent, and that requires confidence. If you feel good about yourself and your abilities then you will do the work that must be done. But you can’t do what you haven’t even thought about. You must get clarity around what you ultimately want to accomplish, and I’m telling you to dream big here. If you could accomplish anything in your career, what would you set out to do?

Your most fundamental need is the security of wealth. This is not about net income, but overall net worth. Most people never consider that they could become wealthy and that’s why most people aren’t financially secure. Your bank account is directly linked to your self-confidence, so learning to understand wealth and make the right decisions to build that security is vital.

The way you think about your self-worth also determines what you can accomplish. A simple exercise to boost your self-esteem is to keep a list of your achievements. Once a week sit down and write out everything you have accomplished over the past week. Then read through your accomplishments regularly. You will begin to realise just how much you are capable of doing, and how much higher your goals can be set.

The key to reaching goals is commitment and consistency, so you need to keep a list of your goals and review them often to keep you on track. Reading inspirational books is also valuable to your personal development, as is spending time with confident, successful people – mentors and tormentors.

Perform a personal S.W.O.T. to identify your Strengths, Weaknesses, Obstacles and Threats. You can use our website to search on your weak areas and watch coaching videos to help you improve those skill sets. Set goals beyond your comfort zone and push yourself to achieve them to prove to yourself that you can do more than you think you can. This is how you move from a beginner’s mind into a specialist’s mind: you try, you fail, you learn, and then you try again. If you don’t give up and quit, you will eventually succeed.

Considering the amount of time you spend watching television and posting cute kittens to social media sites, surely you can devote a little more time to defining and creating the life and career you’d like to have. How much are you willing to do to succeed?

Make sure you look into our Josh Phegan Company membership, Master Class Program, Prospecting School, and our incredible Blueprint Event, all coming up soon.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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1 Comment

  1. Yes I can see self-confidence is the key, sometimes we let that slip.
    thank you for your encouraging emails.

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