Getting Back On Track

If you’re not getting the listings you need to reach your goals, then you’re off track. I’m going to share a simple system with you today to kick you back into place and get your momentum going again.

You have to set a goal, and that is based on knowing your numbers. You need a target number of listings per month that you must reach because you can’t sell if you can’t list. If you have no target you’re just winging it, and that kind of inconsistency is not going to move your business forward. You have to have a system, and you have to follow it.

This is not complicated. In fact, having a system will make it much easier for you to know what to do and get it done. First, determine how many listings you need to have by end of month. Break that down into quarters; this is your weekly target. Now go get that number of listings each week. Depending on your success for that month you can either maintain or raise your target numbers for the next month. It really is that simple.

If you find you are behind on reaching your goal for the week, then you know you are off track and need to get focused. Step up your prospecting. Eliminate distractions. Change your tactics. Take control. Most of all, get clear with your thinking.

We all have months when reaching our goal seems impossible. Three-quarters of the way through, your numbers are down. You might be thinking, “Well, that’s it, I’m not going to hit my target this month.” As soon as you let that idea take root, you have defeated yourself because now you will fail to take action. But if you instead start thinking, “My numbers are too low – What can I do to take charge and get back on track?” you are now in a mindset to make progress, and you will get results.

Maintaining momentum in your business requires consistent action towards a clear goal based on realistic expectations. It all comes down to having a system, knowing your numbers, and thinking like a winner.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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