Doing the Basics

You want to be a great agent, but what are you doing to make that happen? Wishing and hoping won’t get you listings. Neither will doing what everyone else is doing, because they are content with fewer results than you want to achieve. You have to do the work that’s most important, and you have to do it every day.

Have a directions meeting every morning with your assistant to get clear on what you must do to succeed that day. If you are working alone, meet with yourself. Make a task list of all the people you need to call, deals you need to make and appointments you need to meet. Then review appointments you have set for the next few days. Know what you’re going to do and why.

Keep track of your numbers. You must be measuring calls and connects, but most important are appointments and face-to-face meetings because nothing happens inside of your business without them. And those appointments don’t get booked if you don’t make those calls every day.

Use your database to find the people you need to contact based on new properties in your area that were listed and sold within the last 24 hours. Call them to let them know what has sold in their area that is similar to their own property, and what the final price was. Then make an appointment to appraise their property to determine what it’s current worth is. Offer them information they can use and they will meet with you.

Some days you just don’t feel like making calls. Do it anyway. Set your schedule and follow it. This is how the best agents operate and if you want to be one of them, do what they do. Three dedicated morning call sessions every business day. And then go meet the people you are scheduled to meet in the afternoon.

One more task is to check in with your office around 2pm each day to see what has been happening and what still needs to be done. Always know what is happening inside of your business so you can deal with potential issues and seize fresh opportunities.

Success in real estate is simple, yet most agents don’t do what it takes to achieve their potential. You will easily top your competition by making those calls and booking the appointments, but you must make the decision to do what it takes to become the agent you can be.

As you progress in your business, make sure you look into our Josh Phegan Membership program, training events and coaching opportunities.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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