Momentum Through Call Sessions

There’s no question that call sessions are the most significant technique for building momentum and driving your business to success. So why do so many agents avoid prospecting by phone? The truth is, whether you make those calls enthusiastically or hardly make them at all begins with how you think about the process, and that mindset is completely within your control.

The first thing to understand and accept is that prospecting by phone is absolutely necessary. Motivate yourself with the knowledge that in January and February most of your competition is still in holiday mode and they aren’t making those calls yet, so this is an exceptionally opportune time for you to be prospecting. Also take advantage of the New Year as a time when people are thinking about making changes and initiating progress in their lives, so they are more open to discussing the possible sale of a home or other property. This is a great time to contact all the people in your database and maintain those vital relationships.

Keeping your call sessions to 45 minutes at a time will help you stay energized and prevent burnout. It’s also easier to track your numbers and limit your time per call if you are working within a shorter time frame per session. The Josh Phegan Membership has a 45 minute timer you can use to structure your call sessions and track your results. You can even make a game of prospecting using this app to see how many calls you can make and appointments you can book within each session. It’s a great way to evaluate and increase your performance.

Set a goal of 16 to 24 calls per session with an ideal connect rate of 50%. Your numbers will improve with the relationships you establish because those people will want to take your calls and will be more willing to meet with you. Of course, nothing happens in business until the sale is made, so making and meeting appointments is crucial. The more you do this the easier it gets as your communication skills increase with practice. Eventually your call sessions will evolve into simply being on the phone all the time as part of doing business every day. By the time you are writing $400,000 to $700,000 in fees you will have established momentum and will be the successful agent you now aspire to become.

Now, you might be thinking that you simply don’t want to do call sessions and there must be another way to succeed in your real estate business. The fact is, that kind of thinking will bury you. The phone is your most basic tool as an agent and you will never succeed if you don’t use it. Right now your focus has to be on making those prospecting calls, tracking your numbers, following your scripts and building that momentum one phone call at a time. This is simply what it takes to be a great agent.

Remember to keep those calls short, too — no more than 2 or 3 minutes, just enough time to book an appointment. Once you are face to face with the client, then you can discuss things with them in more detail. And making that connection is crucial – you need to get away from what you want and approach your clients from their viewpoint. What you give to them individually will establish the relationships that maintain your business, produce conversions and generate referrals. Keep in mind that people will buy your services only when they are ready, but it’s your approach to them that gets them there.

To be a great agent you must do the work that matters every day, and that is all about doing prospecting call sessions in the morning and meeting appointments the rest of the day. It’s that simple, and it works.

And while you are planning your year, make sure you look into our Josh Phegan Company membership, training events and coaching opportunities.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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