Using All You’ve Got

Many agents feel that the people they know in their personal life should not be integrated into their business life. If you also think that is true then it’s time for a different perspective, because everybody you know needs to be in your database.

If you think about it, all of the people you know through patronising their businesses – hairdressers, butchers, tailors – have your name and information in their databases. Why aren’t they in yours? Imagine how many more networked connections you would have if all the people you know were in your database and receiving your marketing messages. How many people might they refer to your brand as a result of one of your mailings? And they would refer to you because they know you personally.

Another point to ponder is, if your marketing looks, sounds and feels like marketing, then your approach lacks authenticity. If you don’t feel right about sharing your real estate news with the people in your personal life, then your delivery is not personalised enough and it needs to change. Your business must be built on a foundation of solid relationships. If you aren’t connecting on a personal, emotional level then you are not delivering real value to your clients.

To build a great business you must have a great database. Every person you know needs to be in it, and they need to be properly entered into the nine categories we work with. Each of those people will match a category – or several. Wherever they fit, as buyers, potential sellers, landlords, past clients, past market appraisals, potential sellers, or key referrers, they all deserve to benefit from the valuable information your targeted marketing program delivers. And don’t forget to include all of the local businesses in your marketplace.

If you have not set up those basic nine categories in your database and categorized all of your clients into them, then it is crucial that you do so. You must be able to deliver relevant information to the right people and measure your progress by evaluating your numbers regularly. One of your vital measurements is how much your database grows every month, because if it’s not growing then your business isn’t growing.

Starting now, consider 2015 to be your year of intention. Focus on building a dynamic database, knowing your numbers, marketing effectively, building relationships and setting goals for growth.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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