Getting Over Fear, Doubt, Uncertainty and Financial Pressure

In your daily business you will encounter many distractions that threaten to put you off track. The worst of these are based in fear, doubt, uncertainty and financial pressure. The good news is, all of that is completely under your control.

Taking control of distractions does not mean you will never face them, but that you will be able to deal with them. For example, you may be under stress right now with bills coming in from your holiday spending, but if you start planning now you won’t have to worry about this again next year.

Staying in control of the things that worry you begins with identifying your needs and making sure they are taken care of before they become problems. This gives you confidence and allows you to perform at your best, in your business and your personal life.

In the case of finances, this means having reserve funds to cover your lifestyle needs as well as emergencies. For your business it means you can afford to conduct daily business and also fund progressive marketing to expand your brand.

You want to maintain levels of financial security that include:

• Safety level – enough funds to feel financially secure
• Comfort level – money for entertainment and other reasonable luxuries
• Entrepreneurial level – funding for promotional projects and growing your business

Real estate is a business built on self-confidence, and nothing gives you more confidence than being financially secure. It allows you to build your best possible business, and also to become the best person you can be.

With a solid financial foundation you can then work on other sources of fear, doubt and uncertainty that raise barriers to your success. Start by making a list of goals for 2015, including professional goals, improving relationships, handling emotional issues, and arranging for travel and adventure you might enjoy.

One way to maintain your self-confidence is to keep a list of your personal achievements and read through it whenever you are feeling less capable. Reviewing your list of accomplishments is also a great way to begin your new year. Keep this list on your mobile phone so that it’s easy to add new achievements, and refer to the list when you need a boost. This will also help you visualize what you want to accomplish in the coming year.

Setting goals and having a plan for your year is vital because when you have clear goals there are ultimately no distractions that can keep you from achieving them. It also helps to realize how many distractions you have. Challenge yourself to try a low-information diet. For 30 days disconnect from social media, television, news feeds, and other things that exist outside of your life and your business. Instead spend that time with friends and family, exercise and eat well, and reconnect with people and activities that apply to the core of your life. You will be amazed how those external distractions create a sense of fear, doubt, and uncertainty – and they really don’t apply to you at all except for the fact that they diminish your performance and keep you from focusing on the work that really matters.

The most important thing you can do right now is to get your intentions right. Have a plan and set goals for the year ahead. Establish a sense of direction and control that will allow you to move forward with confidence, clarity and drive.

And while you are planning your year, make sure you look into our Josh Phegan Company membership, training events and coaching opportunities.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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  1. Josh
    Great “simple” tips to fire up for the year ahead. Sure social media is good but it does stop our own social interactions. I for one , prefer not to hide behind social media, even email. I make it my plan to call a client instead of a written email. We need to remember we are in the “human” business as well. Love the video.

  2. Thank you Josh. Love the video on the Coaching Tips today. Great tips to kick start the year. Yes indeed social media does distract from focussing on what one has to do. Great advice on the financial tips. Look forward to next Friday. Thank you, Josh.

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