Great Business Turnarounds – Why Energy Matters

No matter how good you are at what you do, there will be times that your performance is off and things simply don’t work out as well as usual. The most important indicators of your business success are how well you handle these off times, and how quickly you can get back on track and moving forward again. The more momentum you maintain, the better your chances of regaining it fully after you hit a bump.

Momentum is created and driven through activity in your business. It’s about working multiple open for inspections each weekend, meeting as many buyers and sellers as you can, and then keeping in touch with those contacts. Momentum is vitally important to your career, and the best way to maintain it is through planning. Without a plan you will miss far too many opportunities and your business will decline.

Planning involves filling your calendar year with campaigns for holidays and other events happening in your marketplace, as well as actions you need to take in response to market conditions as they rise and fall. Planning also entails structuring your days for efficiency and productivity, from the time you wake up to when you will have meals and get to the gym – from when you make your phone calls to when you will meet people face to face. Schedule your greatest activity for when your energy is highest so you can get the most done.

Agents who are most successful have a plan and follow it every day. In general, morning is likely your highest energy time of the day and the best time for you to make your phone calls to vendors. Next up is prospecting for potential sellers and market appraisals, followed by checking in with past clients to ensure their future business. Part of your plan is to have a hit list of people to contact every day. Never limit yourself to going after just one potential client – always be contacting multiple prospects every day. The more prospects you have, the greater chance you have of working with at least a few of them.

On those days you are not at your best, having a structure to follow ensures that you will still be productive. For example, you can start your day by doing 45 minute call sessions. Make your calls in the morning while you are fresh. Have your hit list ready of people to call that day. Measure your calls, connects and appointments. Estimate how many calls you can complete out of the number of calls you make in order to make 1 to 3 appointments per 45 minute session.

Having an off day or week takes a toll on you in anxiety and stress. You can offset that negative effect and keep your momentum rolling by having a plan in place and protocols to follow.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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