The Power of Routine

If you really want to be successful in your business, you have to be consistent. And the best way to maintain consistency is to set a routine and follow it. That’s the way the best agents stay on track.

Your routine will be built on an understanding of how your market flows throughout the year, and of the rhythm within your own business. In order to have a great January and February, you have to lay the groundwork for that success in October and November based upon your knowledge of your market’s cycles. For example, open for inspections allow you to meet more people and build your buyer database, so naturally the more people you meet early on, the more open for inspections you can hold each Saturday. If you don’t do enough open for inspections to reach your sales goals you lose traction and fall behind.

Maintaining active campaigns based on the number of sales you need to make each month helps you build a routine by establishing momentum. That positive energy gives buyers more confidence in you than in your competitors. Remember, if you aren’t making calls your competitors are, and that’s how they can beat you. You need to be the one making those calls and converting customers. A routine will ensure you are getting that done.

Routine is actually just scheduling simple tasks to do without fail each day. It’s the time you wake up in the morning, have breakfast, get to the office and start working. Set times for your first call session, for meeting your appointments, for dinner and the gym, and for getting home and going to bed. Everything you do in your day must be scheduled and the schedule must be followed.

Mastering all these simple daily tasks will create a powerful business, and anybody can do this, no matter who you are or what your situation is. Also remember you probably only have to maintain that routine for around 44 weeks per year, because your greater level of success allows you to take more time off. The key to making it work is to build your routine around what is realistic for the demands and requirements of your business and your life. When you wake up and times of day you eat may seem trivial, but those are events that occur every day and must therefore be regimented. Otherwise you get sidetracked and derailed which throws off your whole day, resulting in lost productivity.

A set routine that supports your business and your life allows you to focus on getting things done instead of wasting time and energy deciding what to do next on the fly. Your routine will work best if it is simple and can be the same every day. Focus on scheduling high-value daily activities such as prospecting for times when your energy is high and you feel your best. An exercise regimen is your best form of stress management, too, because it energizes you while allowing time for deep thought and introspection. Use that time to ponder what is happening in your life and how you can be ready to seize opportunities when they come to you.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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