Why You Need to Automate Your Marketing

One of the most important topics for your real estate business is how to utilise the categories in your database for effective automated marketing. This entails targeted, scheduled marketing campaigns to buyers, potential sellers, market appraisals, past clients and key referrers.

No matter what the market is doing, you always need to be marketing. Automating your marketing is the most efficient way to do this. You can get started by making some simple templates to help you visualize the two core functions of this marketing approach:

Social Proof – You have documented evidence that a majority of people are using your services with great results.
Word of Mouth Marketing – You provide a level of service to all your clients that keeps them talking about you to their friends and associates.

A simple template lists all your client categories in a column, with types of marketing you can do in other columns so that you can make a grid of effective marketing approaches for each category. For example, if you target a buyers category for marketing you can use the template to choose and schedule regular buyer email alerts. If you have a cloud-based database you can then integrate all necessary resources and tasks, such as client registration, preferences, follow-ups, etc.

Listing alerts bring buyers out to your open for inspections. Selling alerts offer potential sellers proof of your results and confidence in your pricing levels. And monthly market snapshots reach everyone, including the general population in your marketplace to help bring you new buyers and sellers. A market snapshot can include charts, graphs and photos, and offers simple news and statistics for a given market such as numbers of properties sold, average sale prices, high and low prices, numbers of properties sold or auctioned, and trends over a 12-month period.

Frequency is the next element of automated marketing you will need to consider. In general, active buyer and seller alerts are sent daily as properties are listed and sold. Market snapshots usually go out monthly, as would information like your monthly sales results. Make sure your frequency of delivery is appropriate for the categories you are targeting. For example, monthly mailings might be too much for contacting past clients who are not currently active with you; quarterly updates would likely be better received in this case. The key is that all of these communications are scheduled once and then sent automatically while you focus on immediate daily tasks you need to handle directly.

When you properly structure an automated system you will have relevant bits of information going out to appropriate clients at regular intervals. This creates a rhythm for your business that keeps your brand active in your clients’ minds as a reliable source of current information. One more powerful way you can promote yourself directly is to consistently make videos like this one and send them to specific categories in your database. Video builds a sense of relevance and fosters a personal connection toward establishing those vital client relationships by reinforcing their experience of you and your services.

You can see how important automated marketing and quality of information is to building your business. Establishing and maintaining rapport with your clients through relevance and consistency will quickly take your business to the next level.

Thank you for watching today’s Coaching Tip. I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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