What Clients Really Want

As real estate agents we are professionals at knowing where a customer plans to move, when they need to be there, and how to make that happen. However, we rarely get at the true core of the process. Basically we provide a solution for finding places for people to live. To be really effective, though, we need to learn to find out the reason for each client’s decision to buy or sell. What we should really be asking is, “Why?”

By working to discover a client’s reason for buying or selling you are establishing a real relationship with that person. This level of connection is a vital part of your sales process that ensures that these clients will move forward with you as their service provider.

The primary stage in this sales process is problem identification, or need identification. Problems/needs include birth and death, marriage and divorce, relocation and financial gain. But the real, underlying reasons a client has for buying or selling a property often run deeper.

Once you establish a timeline for your client’s need to buy or sell then you have a solid foundation to work from, so one of the best questions you can ask is, “Why now?” Why has your client decided that now is the time to buy/sell/move/relocate? Knowing their core motivation and reasons for initiating this process will help you establish that timeline, define the kind of property they are selling or seeking, and help them succeed in accomplishing what they really want to achieve. This also shapes the way you interact with each individual.

Remember, too, to update and expand your database with the information you gather on your clients, and categorize them accordingly for effective and timely future communications with them.

All of this is about getting closer to your customers through asking better questions. Think in terms of placing words like why, when, how, where and who at the beginning of sentences in order to create queries. Also ask questions beginning with, “isn’t it,” “wouldn’t it,” “couldn’t it,” “shouldn’t it,” such as, “Wouldn’t it be great to be in your property by the time we get to Easter? When would you like to be in the home?”

You really want to become more personally engaged with your customers. Once you identify the problems they are trying to resolve, then you can provide truly outstanding services for them. Be thinking of ways you can more deeply communicate and engage with your customers. This will lead to more productive conversations with them that will establish you as a trusted consultant.

I hope you have enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip.

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