Starting Strong In 2014

Gaining momentum in your business is your primary goal as you begin the new year. Already 2014 is shaping up to be a great year for market offerings and buyer interest. One of the best ways for you to start the year off right is by learning how to make the most of your open for inspections for prospecting lead sources.

The more open for inspections you can do on a Saturday, the more buyers and other prospects you will be able to work with for the rest of the week. Set a goal to get to five open for inspections each Saturday. If you have an assistant who can do them as well, try for ten. These numbers are achievable, and these open for inspections will put you solidly inside your core market meeting a lot of buyers every weekend, and will keep you working consistently within a scheduled routine.

Following a routine every day will ensure that you gain and maintain momentum. Scheduling a time to wake up, to arrive at the office, to start making calls, conduct meetings, get to the gym, etc. will ensure consistency and efficiency. Working in 45 minute sessions will also help you stay fresh and motivated. Many of the best agents start their work day by making a list of buyers, sellers and other prospects they will contact and what time to call them. The earlier you can start making those calls, the better chance you have to accomplish all of your goals for the day.

Success feels great, and the more you achieve the more you will want. Learning to measure your levels of success will show you exactly where you are and how to do better. Some ways to measure your success include logging the number of calls you make per day, the number of people you speak with, and how many appointments you make. Of course, your numbers of actual properties listed are a big measure of success.

You may not realize how important your physical fitness is to your effectiveness as a high-performance real estate agent, but it takes a lot of stamina to be highly successful in the real estate business. Being fit, healthy and energetic is vital to your success, not only toward carrying you through your busy schedule, but also in your ability to recover quickly and fully from the demands you make on yourself every day. Whether you run, do yoga, or train at a gym, fitness time needs to be part of your weekly schedule, too.

Of course, your most important step is to get started right now. The market is already active this year and it’s time for you to get active with it, doing what you love and generating business to grow on in the months to come.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip. If we can be of assistance to you at a coaching or training level, feel free to email us. Thanks for watching and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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