How to get much more out of your open for inspections

You could be getting much more out of your open for inspections by making sure information you already have is easy to find and use every day. By implementing a simple, teachable system for structuring your open for inspection packages you can assure that you and your agents are using your resources to the fullest.

Start by thinking about what you actually do with your property files. How much use do you get out of them? Are they just a collection of random data about a property sitting in your database in case you need it? Or do you actively use your property files during the entire process of handling a property? For best results, your property files should give you a complete, organized picture of the property and all of the prospects who can be brought to it.

Here is how your property files can be packaged for active daily use:
– Have a folder for each individual property you bring to market.
– The first file in the folder is the property brochure.
– Next, have a page that lists all potential sellers and landlords located near the property, current landlords, properties currently under management, past market appraisals, past clients, and key referrers who live in the area.
– Next is a list of all the people who have inquired about the property and shown a real interest in purchasing it at some point.
– Next, include a list of all prospects who have walked through the property, either by private appointment or open for inspection.
– Finally, have a list of people who have come back for second appointments, requested copies of the legal documentation on the property, or have made offers on the home.

What you have now is a compact, organized and immediately accessible action pack for prospecting the right people for just listed and just sold marketing to your most relevant market. When the property sells you can use the same packet to prospect for other properties in the same market.

You can see now how easy it is to put together a useful and versatile open for inspection packet for each of the properties you handle, and the many opportunities you can explore by using it actively. You will stand out from your competition by being exceptionally relevant to your marketplace and establishing your brand as one of high frequency and consistent success.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s coaching session, and I look forward to seeing you again next week.

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