Why Sticking To A Plan Works

Some aspects of success in real estate are universally basic and necessary. Recently the four finalists for our Australia’s Changed Agents Awards gave presentations at our Real Estate Blue-Print Conference. Not surprisingly, all of these agents did the exact same basic things that allowed them to radically improve their business.

The first thing each of these agents did was to commit to taking their business seriously. They basically removed their safety nets and backup plans, decided that this is their career for life, and did the necessary work to make it all happen. Next, they evaluated their existing skills and upgraded them. They learned what they did not know, and fixed what needed repair, starting with structuring the listing presentation. The third thing each agent did was to hire an assistant. They each realized that they were wasting valuable time doing mundane office tasks that kept them from doing actual real estate work – prospecting, listing and selling. By hiring an assistant to do the office tasks, the agents could then spend all their time doing real estate.

The overall winner of the Changed Agents Award, Simon Perry, succeeded in taking his business from $36,000 to $360,000 within a year. He did this by becoming an outstanding listing agent. When you have a lot of listings, some of those are going to sell. The more you list, the more sales you will realize. Simple.

All of the finalists for the Award had a plan. They set goals. They set up schedules for accomplishing those goals, for implementing new operations, reinvesting new income into the company, and scheduled vacation time. Most importantly, they stuck with the plan and worked with it long-term. They decided where they wanted to be in a month, a year, even five to ten years; they wrote it all down and made a commitment to follow it.

It is vital to have vision and clarity for the future of your business. If you don’t have an idea of where you want to go, how are you going to get there? Know what you want to achieve, set short-term goals to move you forward step by step, and watch your business expand and prosper.

Here at the Josh Phegan Company we’d love to help you get a great start toward success in your own real estate business. Please contact me if you’re interested in training or coaching with us.

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