How to grow and work with assistants

When you get really good at doing what you do more people are going to want to use you. As more people want to use you it means there will be demand on your time than ever before. So how do you really grow a great business as an individual sales person and really get that level of momentum and traction that you need?

The first thing you’ve got to do is you’ve got to know the milestones for growth. Inside of the Australian real estate industry there’s a couple of milestones that are really important. The first one is writing over $300,000 in gross fees. Once you’ve done about $300,000 in gross fees and you’re turning 30+ transactions a year on an average fee of $10,000 per property that means that you’re now starting to get enough momentum to put on an assistant. You, plus an assistant is a great place to be. And usually we’ve seen people with an assistant write anywhere up to 60, 70 transactions a year. So somewhere in or around that $600,000 to $700,000 mark before they then put on their second assistant to then grow their business well and truly over a million dollars in fees.

It is possible for an individual agent to do that number of transactions on their own but they’re really going to be owned by their business. Without having someone else, as part of the team, there is a lot of leakage through not really following through on his or her systems and processes.

If you’re ready for growth then putting on an assistant is a natural, landmark step for you to move to that next stage.

When putting an assistant on you need to think about:

• What are they going to do for you?
• How are you going to work with them?
• What does success look like for you both? And how will we know when we’ve achieved it?
• How do you get the most level of productivity?

Putting on an assistant is one of the most important things that you’ll do, but you’ll need to make sure that you really know how to work with them. Most agents tend to take their foot off the accelerator, when in fact you need to put on the accelerator at double as soon as you put on the assistant.

The great thing about putting on an assistant is that you can choose the type of work that you want to do. You need to be out there and in front of clients and the more that you do that the more income that you will generate. You can have an administrative-style assistant who’s just going to help you purely from an admin perspective, or and assistant that can even prospect, and at best, list. Imagine a system where you built your business based on some really scalable and simple systems and then you’ve got yourself to a point where like literally you could teach the entire listing and prospecting process so you could have other people out there in the market for you.

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