Asking powerful questions and why using trial closes are so important

One of the most important elements inside of a listing presentation is tactics. One key tactic is the “trial closure” because it allows you to test how ready your customer is to enter the market with you. You do this by simply asking some important questions.

Know beforehand the kinds of questions you want to ask according to the structure of your overall listing presentation to an individual customer. You will be able to weigh their level of engagement not only by the answers they give you, but also by their level of involvement and interest in the process. Are they also asking questions of you? Are they talking actively? Is it clear they understand what you have been discussing with them?

You can use trial closures in several instances, the first being their selection of an agent. Ask them if they would be ready to appoint an agent today if everything else was signed off on to start. If they say “yes”, then you have a good indication that they are on board with you. This is much better than reaching the end of the listing presentation and still not knowing if they want you to represent them or not.

Next you want to see if they understand your recommended sales method and agree with it. So ask them when an auction would work for them, or when an open for inspection would be convenient. If they respond with dates and times without hesitation, then you have another indication that they are comfortable with the sale method and with you.

Your next trial closure can be about marketing. Ask your customers when it would be best to send the photographer and videographer through the house, when they think the sign should go up, where they think the property should be marketed first, etc. Then ask them if they have a spare key. If they hand you the key then you can have even more confidence that they will be signing with you.

A final trial closure question could be about pricing. Simply ask them how they feel about a specific price. Would they need to see a higher price before moving forward?

Trial closures are all about leading up to an endpoint with enough information to actually do business. They have to be done throughout the listing presentation, though – you can’t wait until the end of your presentation and then throw out a random trial closure. You have to use trial closures tactically and consistently to know that you are building the right relationship with your customer. Engagement is your greatest tool for making the connection that will win customers, and there are four simple questions you need to ask your customer:

  1. How would you like to see things perceived?
  2. What would you like to see happen from here?
  3. What do you need to know from me?
  4. How can we best work together?

These four questions should really bring your listing presentation to a powerful closure.

We hope you enjoyed today’s coaching tip and look forward to seeing you again next week!

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