
We need to massively evolve the way we communicate inside of our business. In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll tell you why comms are so important. You’ll learn how to maintain a clear communications schedule so critical information doesn’t get lost.

I’ll explain ways our team communicates inside of our organisation and the comms we use for different levels of urgency. I’ll also discuss how we use Slack as an executive summary of what’s happening inside of the business, and why we use email only sparingly.

When you get clear about the way communication works it allows you to quickly find the things you need so you can operate at speed. It’s the way your business communicates that determines how fast you can operate.

Better quality conversations are what business is all about and great comms allow systems to function and flow. Get clear about when, how, and what you communicate and you’ll be better, faster, and more adaptive.

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