Re-imagine Prospecting

If you don’t have a formula for what it is you do and how you generate your leads, then I will help you learn to re-imagine prospecting in my Coaching Tip this week. It’s absolutely time for you to find your strengths and play to them.

Most likely everyone who owns property in Australia bought it from a real estate agent. I’ll tell you how to be that agent that past clients come back to when they’re ready for their next transaction. We’ll start with building your social network.

I’ll show you how to build relationships with your local builders, developers and architects, do great buyer work, and you’ll see that everything leads back to your past clients. It seems like a big challenge, but it’s the easiest call you can make.

We’ll also discuss the importance of landlords, and look at them as both investors and homeowners. I’ll refer to the prospecting layer cake, which is a great guideline for reimagining prospecting. And we’ll talk about conversion campaigns as well.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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