Picking Markets – The Indicators To Watch

As an agent, you’ve got to learn some basic indicators to choose the right markets at the right times. In this week’s Coaching Tip I’ll give you tips on picking markets, and indicators to watch so you understand what’s happening in your marketplace.

It’s critically important for you to be an agent for all markets – the low end as well as the higher end, with an even mix of listings and price points in between. The customer you serve now may be connected to other potential sellers, buyers, landlords and investors.

Ultimately you’re in the trading market to help people trade properties they have and buy something better. If you can make them feel safe, and sell a clear vision around what it is that they want, you will win their business.

It’s all about picking markets that really move, paying attention to trends in those markets, and knowing the crucial indicators to watch. These skills will rapidly amplify your results on the inside of your business.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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