Amplify what works

In that moment you realize that you’re out of momentum, what do you do? You amplify what works, and in my Coaching Tip this week I’ll share a recent case study with you to demonstrate how a great agent has the proactive conversations that will shift that needle.

It’s never easy being in that position where you have to do a price reduction. You see someone’s number come up on your phone and you really don’t want to talk to them – but you know you’ve got to act. I’ll tell you what your next step is and why it works.

You ultimately realize that the customer doesn’t hire you just to be an agent. They hire you to get them to Sold. You are their trusted advisor, and whatever the key solution is, it’s up to you to be proactive and put the deal together quickly and efficiently.

There can be downsides and we’ll discuss how to handle them. It’s up to you to have uncomfortable discussions and offer the right advice. If you’ve done the work you’ll be able to amplify what works with confidence and make things happen in your favour.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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