What are you going big on?

You’re probably only one or two moves away from seeing incredible results inside of your business. In this week’s Coaching Tip I’m asking, What are you going big on? And what’s going to move the needle the most in terms of your performance?

There are some controllables that have to do with your energy and what you bring to the table. I’ll tell you what those are, and how to renew your energy and stay consistent during the upcoming busy summer market.

Your great opportunity here is to edit what you do so those things add value and you can allow yourself to grow and succeed in your business. I’ll tell you exactly what I’d be doing and who I’d be calling to get energy for the business through doing things that matter.

We’ll do a quick written exercise to help you sort out everything that needs to get done right now, and which of those things you should do yourself or delegate to someone else. What will make you a gun agent is the ability to concentrate on what you do best, and focus on what you’re going big on.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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